Thursday, October 23, 2008

Not here to pick fruits

... and yes i know how to use the shower and toilet!

Yesterday a senior National MP made a remark with regards to Asians and Pacific Islanders. Quoting from NZHerald:

"He told the Marlborough Express that Asian workers were better at picking fruit "because their hands are smaller."

Dr Smith said employers should not be solely responsible for teaching or funding training that prepared workers for life in New Zealand.

"Some of them are having to teach them things like how to use a toilet or shower...I don't think the employer should have to pay for that work."

This comments sound racist. Generalizing people like that shudnt be made by an educated person like Dr. Smith. He said his comments was taken out of context. He should have anticipated that and gave proper explaination during the interview. Even better not to give specific examples like that. The irony is, he is holding the Immigration Minister protocol for Nationals. Now its clear which party I would vote in the next election.

1 comment:

BadRiza said...

i have never like "En. Kunci" nye party....